Effortless & Natural DIOR make-up

by - 12:59

I have been an avid reader of beauty blogs since the age of fourteen - back when the term "blogger" wasn't really even a 'thing' - and i love trying out new beauty products. With an ethos built around enhancing your natural beauty with minimum effort and a dedication to creating premium makeup infused with skin-loving ingredients, DIOR has earned its stripes as my go-to brand when I want an easy, fuss-free look that makes me look like a more well-rested, sophisticated and chicer version of myself in a flash. The Air Flash Spray On DIOR foundation, is so easy to apply. With just one spray and dab using your beauty blender, Air Flash can have you and your skin looking, healthy and flawless in seconds.

The DIOR Backstage Pros product line appears at every DIOR runway show and every DIOR shoot. The Fix It indispensable primer and concealer for three zones of the face (complexion, eyes and lips), is fabulous.

i would definitely recommend these DIOR products to anyone. They are absolutely flawless and fuss-free! 

Let me know if you have any favourites from DIOR. I'd be more than happy to hear them!

Lots of love, Alice xoxo

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